Sunday, May 20, 2012


Why hello there whoever has taken time out of their precious day to spend time looking at me :D How are you today? Ah me? I'm doing WONDERFULLY..I guess. I did this look yesterday (5-19-12), but didn't get a chance to upload pictures TT^TT SO that's why they are uploaded today! The look from today may be uploaded tmr or possibly monday! STAY TUNED~

To start this blog post off RIGHT I decided I'd take a picture of my face makeup collection. It's really not that big XD 2 BB creams, 3 foundations, 4 powders, 3 concelars, 1 bronzer, 4 blushers, and 2 primers. Oh and a BB cream sample... if that matters.

and a side shot. OH YEAHHH.

Trying to look dolly and cute~ eye makeup :D

Am I seriously wearing pigtails right now. SERIOUSLY? You've got to be kidding me. I BLAME THE PERSON ON ME2DAY WHO SUGGESTED IT. KATIE OUT.

I think a librarian would be better at holding a pencil then this. 

clearly I was actually writing something.

I was mocking my pencil. o3o



forever alone .__. my plushies love me atleast.

full outfit shot :D

now for a series of pictures with a doll (american girl doll! lolol it was in my closet don't judge me)

we matched :D

This is just an upclose of the pattern of my dress ;D I got it at H&M last year for those curious~ (I'M SO CURIOUS YEAHHH.)

In my professional opinion touching you face = shyness. /bricked

Ahem. I'd just like to point out how ADORABLE my right pigtail looks here. The curl looks so good *0* Thank you for behaving hair!

Well that's it for this blog post! I hope I atleast sorta pulled of cute/coy librarian? WELL YA KNOW WHAT IT'S MY FIRST TRY AT THIS. If you have any idea's please feel free to comment, or say something on me2day! ^^~ Signing off!


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