Saturday, June 2, 2012

[JAPANESE SCHOOL GIRL] ulzzang time!

Oh, I didn't see you there! Hello everyone and anyone who is reading this :D Today I got a haircut and when the lady styled it I was like "WOW i look very japanese", so I re-did my makeup (because I had like no makeup on- my mom woke me up at 1:30pm and told me my appointment was at 2pm, so I kinda threw on whatever) and put on a cute outfit :D Sooo yeah, I hope it looks cute >w< 

Well that was my outfit, one with it not tucked in, and then tucked in. People on me2day said it was cuter tucked in, so that's how I wore it~ The second picture is me doing that pose that the female drama/anime characters always seem to do when they are angry. YOU KNOW IT'S SO TRUE.

You may be like 'wtf' too the second picture- BUT I HAVE AN EXPLANATION. If you've ever seen the drama.. ugh idk what it's called. Four boys live in  mansion with the owners son, and she's like never home, and she sends her niece, Sadako. Sadako she's the boys (who are like the 'stars' of their school and what not) and screams "MABUSHIIIII!" (bright) whenever she see's them. And my hair reminds me of hers after they gave her bangs. Aha :D

I had a lollipop moment. HATERS GUN HATE.

New Banner? Opinions? >.> TELL ME (of course I will edit it a little and put kt+ on it..)

And then I finished my lollipop D:

And so I posed with chopsticks. And then stabbed myself with chopsticks? I dunno. My neighbors probably think I'm insane.

This is all angelic :D

But now I will share with you what happens in my life...

I made Korean Dumplings, also known as 'mandu' :D they were so so so good! But my family (coughmymomcough) ate like them all! D: the last pic was my dinner, mandu's, green beans, and a bean salad~ :D

The one in the green 'FRED' shirt is my brother, the other two are my brothers friends XD he's 11, and so are they (I believe). We were trying to take a picture of the one in black, BECAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE MBLAQS MIR WHEN HE WAS LITTLE. it's insane

Well that's the end of this post! :D I really, really, really, need to do an album review TT^TT Any albums you want me to review?? PLEASE tell me them. I might do a review on BIGBANG's new MV... But whatever, just talk to me readers! :DD


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