Today I'm back with a review-like-thing-that-I-don't-know-if-it-really-counts-as-a-review and a makeup look/outfit...kinda sorta.
If you'd like to watch it you can find it on Hulu or youtube. You may also want to check out drama sites on such as or kimchidrama.somethingorother.
So first off let me answer this question, "What is 'Heaven's Postman'?? CAN I EAT IT?", No I'm sorry you can't eat it "Awww D:", but I will tell you what it is! "Really?" yes really. 'Heaven's Postman' is a korean movie, starring DBSK's Kim Jae Joong. "HE'S DREAMY!" yah, he's taken sweet cheeks (coughyunjaefolifecough).
It came out like in 2009-2010 I believe. I originally was under the impression (for god knows why) that this movie was in Japanese, but it's all in Korean (which would make more sense >.>) so if you know korean YOU DON'T NEED SUBTITLES! If you know Japanese YOU NEED SUBTITILES. The movie runs about 1 hour 40 minutes ish. I don't really know if that's long for a movie, my drama episodes are an hour each. I think a movie would be long if it was like 4 hours. But that's just me.
Starting the movie I was all like "I wonder what the hell it's gonna be about", and as I found out, it's about................................ HEAVEN'S POSTMAN (a shocker, am I right?). No but seriously, when you start the movie it's just so confusing. They don't explain anything really until like half way through the movie. It's like super super confusing during a lot of it, but then once it gets closer and closer to the end they explain everything in bits and pieces. Like the question that I was wondering through it all was "Who/what is Jae Joong?", in the beginning he says he's an angel and a ghost, so then your all like "WTF IS HE?!?!?!", and they don't clarify really. Until like WAY towards the end where they tell you he's like a ghost thing that only people who miss people who have died can see. LIKE I WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT. In the beginning though I was thinking that he was just a normal person, but then he has keys to the red heaven mail box, which if he was totally normal how would he have the keys?
The red heaven mailbox is like the mailbox in the middle of this random field that people put letter to loved ones that have passed away in. So then Jae Joong (or Shin Jae Joon in the movie) goes and like takes the letters, reads them, and lies to the people to comfort them. In the beginning he meets this girl Ha Na who wrote a angry "I FREAKING HATE YOU" letter to her lover that died, and like never loved her or something. They explain in the movie. So she becomes Jae Joong's like 'sidekick' and they work together.
Now onto my feelings on this movie. O M G it's so sad. Like during the whole movie I was teary eyed. Like I wasn't crying, but I felt like I was going too. If you cry easy, you will probably cry a lot more than I did. I cried at the end, like at Jae Joong's letter, and then I was SOBBING when the two old people were reunited. TT^TT SO TOUCHING. I really really enjoyed this movie though. I don't mind sad movies, because I CANNOT watch scary movies. I'm scared really easily, and I have really bad nightmares if I watch anything scary... D: But anyways, this movie sort of has an ending similar to that of a Studio Ghibli movie (ex. Spirited Away, Ponyo, Howl's Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, etc) it's just a very calming ending. And if you didn't know I adore Studio Ghibli movies, I wish kids now a days had that sort of same respect and gentleness to them... It's really beautiful. <3
SO ONTO MY ULZZANG PICTURES. I was just trying to look like 'Heaven's PostWOMAN'. Kinda angel like? I dunno. D:
Well here is the outfit, and yes I changed the color of my text. Problem?
1. You need a dress and a button up shirt. I used a floral dress and a white shirt. BUT you could always use a solid colored dress and wear a plaid button up, or any other pattern button up.
2. Assessories :D I used a compass necklace because WHAT IF I GET LOST ON THE WAY TO THE MAILBOX? I might need a compass. And some wood bangles because angels wouldn't wear plastic neon jewerly. I was also wearing pearl earrings by the way.
3. Boots. Why boots? Because that red mail box is in the middle of a FREAKING FIELD. Do you want chiggers? (if you don't know what chiggers are they're bugs that like get into your skin and are really painful... maybe they just have them in the south IDK). Plus boots are like working shoes so yeah. GET SUM BOOTS.
4. Do your makeup in an 'angel like' way. I did a very 'perfect skin' look, with lots of blush (though in this picture you cant see it..) natural eyes and lip tint for natural looking lips. ^^
The pretty blue sky~
Okay we have now reached the end of my blog post about the movie 'Heaven's Postman', I hope this was interesting to read .___. Sorry I'm so spazzy. Next post will hopefully be a review on makeup or skincare products... STAY TUNED MY DEARIES.
-Katie <3
ps. this post was colorful
you know Katie I swear you could be a model. WAE U SHO PURDEEE?! jelly much? D: