Tuesday, May 22, 2012

[GOTHIC LOLITA] ulzzang time!

1- I am NOT a Gothic Lolita
2- I personally do not own a SPEC of Lolita clothing, WHAT I'M WEARING IS JUST NORMAL CLOTHING
3- This is my personal take on what I BELIVE a Gothic Lolita would wear, if they didn't own all the gorgeous clothing they do
4- This is just to inspire those of us who (like me) do not have enough money to afford the lavish clothing a lolita wears, OR just want to look lolita-like without going 'over-the-top'

Okay, that may have been a little unnessessary, but I just don't want any real lolita's to be offended or angry with me >.>" So here you go! My take on gothic lolita! For the record on a normal day I would NEVER wear anything like this! And if I did become a lolita (hintdadbuymelolitacauseiknowyouaregoingtoreadthishint) I would go for either sweet, classic, or hime (princess) lolita :D More my taste~ ANYWHOODLEDOODLEPOODLESTROODLE. Pictures taken: 5-20-12

to kick things off- FULL BODY OUTFIT SHOT HOLLA! The shirt/socks are from H&M, skirt abercrombie&fitch, vest express, and the boots are from a department store~

How I appear w/ flash :D my contacts look CRAE CRAE. <3 (grey circle lenses ftr)

I had a bit of a pocky moment...

POCKY! CHECK ME OUTTTT. I could totally be a spokesperson. LOOK AT THAT ENTHUSIASM.

and then I had a moment with my Harajuku Lover's perfume...

AND AGAIN I MOVED ON. This time... Death Note Vo.1~

and finally an upclose of my eyemakeup :D

Well everyone that is ALL for today! I hope you enjoyed this blog post~ feel free to tell me what you thought of it!!


  1. Absolutely love your eye make-up ♥
    And the chains on your shirt is AWESOME
